Can you imagine if connecting with your

daughter was easy?

A supportive community created for moms of girls who crave more calm and connection.

Does this sound like you?

YOU STRUGGLE TO FEEL CONFIDENT mothering your pre-teen or teen daughter and feel ineffective in your approach most days.

ARE EXHAUSTED by what feels like never-ending conflict with your daughter. Is this really normal?

WANT TO DO IT DIFFERENTLY THAN YOUR MOTHER by truly showing up for your daughter in the way she needs you most while preserving your own energy and asking for what you need, too.

HAVE TROUBLE GETTING HER TO OPEN UP TO YOU and sharing what’s really on her mind. You wonder what you may be missing when she’s doesn’t let you support her.

ARE WORRIED about the world your daughter faces. Being a teen is stressful and you’re unsure if she’s armed to deal with the pressure and expectations while staying true to herself.

It doesn’t have to be this way

What if instead you…

FELT CONFIDENT in your mothering approach by learning how to have meaningful conversations and build an unshakable lifelong bond.

CONNECTED WITH YOUR DAUGHTER, focused your energy on a specific, proven mother-daughter relationship approach, and, as a result are regularly, authentically talking with your daughter, in fact she’s even beginning to come to you herself to check-in.

UNDERSTOOD WHEN TO WORRY , having a strong foundation on typical development for girls helps you understand what is “normal” and what is not. It’s a special kind of peace of mind to know what will pass (and how to deal with it in the meantime) and what needs intervention.

KNEW WHAT TO DO IN COMPLEX SITUATIONS, when she comes to you with issues around friendships, sex, technology, drinking, anxiety or stress when you feel like she’s shut you out.

TRUST YOURSELF, your instincts and your boundaries, and don’t get stuck in the same old fights with your daughter, because you’ve upped your mothering strategies and communication skills.

FELT CALM enough so that when your daughter is overwhelmed by her emotions, you respond in a way that allows you to still have a great day because you don’t take her emotions personally.

Does that feel better?

Your Community of Mothers is Here

Having a mothering community is one of the most important supports you will gift yourself while raising children. This support acts as the team that stands behind you as you make your mothering decisions. 

I’ve leaned on my own mothering community since my daughter was an infant. Professionals who’ve seen it all and mothers like us who get up each morning sometimes feeling motivated and energized and other days, overwhelmed or worried. This has been the single best support to me as a mother and a woman, being lifted up, cheered on and empowered by mothers in my circle.

Bring all your emotions, struggles and challenges to us and we will wrap our virtual arms around you. Reminding you to fill your tank first, provide words of wisdom or simply a place to feel seen and heard. Mothers are people first, we will make sure you are nurturing your own heart while supporting you in raising your daughter to grow into the woman she was meant to be.

In our group you’ll find…

  • 8 Weeks of Guided Support

    Not only will you learn about the mother-daughter relationship and how to mother with calm confidence so that you protect your daughter and your relationship, you will do that alongside fellow mothers of girls who are determined to do their best. Learn from Hilary AND your peers, turn to them for support or a listening ear during exactly when you need it.

  • 1 Year Access to Course Hold On to Your Daughter

    You’ll be guided through the course material after gaining immediate access to the content. This will serve as the foundation of your new approach, learn why mothers and daughters struggle, where our power lies within the relationship and how to ensure you’re not only protecting your daughter, but your relationship for life.

  • Small Group Coaching Support with Hilary

    We have TWO group coaching options. One virtual which meets Mondays at 3pm EST and one local (West Chester, PA) that meets Tuesdays at 11:00am. During our small group coaching sessions where you can ask your burning questions, process the module you’re currently working on and learn from me as I guide you through the approaches. Virtual meetings are recorded to give you have access to the replay and rewatch at any time.

  • Your Mothering Community

    You’re now a part of our mothering community! Ask questions, vent or share wins with each other exactly when they pop up. You’ll learn from other mother’s journeys, too. Those with older daughters can share their wisdom or ones in the thick of the same stage can validate your feelings. Build beautiful new friendships and most importantly see you’re not alone in your mothering journey.

How will your investment of 8 weeks change the trajectory of your relationship?

Here’s what happened for past mothers

Thank you so much for everything. I appreciate you choosing this life's work. It's been just wonderful working together."

​​- NR

“I’ve been able to analyze a lot of her behaviors with your help. Connecting with her and responding rather than my old reacting has really, really helped. Thank you genuinely for all your support. It’s been an amazing help to us.”


“I've learned that there has to be a level of self-preservation in this wifing and mothering thing. We give so much to everyone and if you don't establish boundaries it's going to go down a bad path."


"If only we had Hilary whispering in our ears during our interactions with our girls"


"I got this insight from you, Hilary Truong, thank you. I learned so much and it has even improved my relationship with my own mother."


“I’ve been able to analyze a lot of her behaviors with your help. Connecting with her and responding rather than my old reacting has really, really helped. Thank you genuinely for all your support. It’s been an amazing help to us.”


"We had a little snafu on our drive to school less than an hour before I heard your presentation…She was telling me about her new coach and how she doesn’t like it when he teaches her a new style because it’s confusing. I commented how lucky she is to have two coaches - her mood sunk- she became grouchy and quiet for the last few minutes of our ride, which affected both of us and I didn’t even see it. We said goodbye and I felt horrible (and to be honest, angry)…I texted her “I’m sorry - when you shared with me about your coach, I should’ve just listened… I can see how that would be confusing.” She responded immediately ;) Then I explained- she can ultimately decide what’s right for her. Bingo. She responded happily- feeling heard and we connected for the rest of the day. I attribute her being so cuddly and happy to your sage advice given earlier that morning. So thank you. A huge, heartfelt thank you, Hilary."

​​- LISA

I’m Hilary, a former therapist for teen girls, now I teach mothers my skills to keep their daughters close.

Let’s face it, the mother-daughter relationship is often misunderstood. I’ve heard it described too many times as ‘special yet complicated’. After working as a therapist for teen girls for nearly fifteen years, I saw girl after girl come into my office and feel alone in the world, even while her well intentioned mother sat right outside on my waiting room couch. This was the moment I knew we needed to stop accepting disconnection between mothers and daughters by transferring my skills to mothers.

Everything I teach I implement in my mothering and I see it not only works for my clients but with my daughter, too. I know not everyone has the benefit of being a trained child and family therapist before entering motherhood, I’ve had time to master these skills. I would love to teach you, too, wherever you are in your mothering journey.


  • You’ll understand where your daughter is developmentally, what is typical behavior for her age and what she needs from you right now. Your understanding of her pre-teen and teen brain is key. This helps you know what is typical and important to her at each age and how you can best support her growth.

  • You’ll have a strong foundation in why mothers and daughters struggle, how we’ve been set up for conflict and exactly what we need from each other to keep our bond strong. You will see your mothering approach and how you’re missing with your daughter. You will have created a path for change and be clear on how you want to show up for your daughter in a way that protects her mental health and your relationship.

  • You will be practicing your new calm and confident approach to your daughter. You’ll be watching your daughter respond differently as a result of your efforts. You’ll know what to say, how to respond to her big feelings and be enjoying more peace in your interactions.

  • You will no longer be sacrificing yourself in favor of everyone else’s needs. You will have more connection points and loving moments with your daughter throughout the day. With your new invitations, listening skills and attuned boundaries, your daughter will be feeling more heard and loved by you. You will have a new outlook on your relationship and feel confident as you navigate future stages of your relationship.


Email here for answers.