We are told the mother-daughter relationship is meant to be complicated.
The truth is, it’s meant to be complicated but it can be hard for very specific reasons.
My work with hundreds of mothers and daughters over the years has focused on educating women why they struggle.
Once you understand the specific mother-daughter dynamics that apply to your relationship, you can reclaim it.
Welcome to the Mother-Daughter Society where women - not just mothers and daughters doing their individual work - but women of all walks of life who are joining together to recover their relationship.
There’s been a rupture that feels too big to put back together on your own.
You’re feeling the time and distance building every day.
Some days you think you might just let it go…but your heart hurts at the thought of not having her in your life the way you feel you deserve.
You know you need a new approach if you’re going to save your relationship but are feeling stuck with how.
And if you’re a daughter, you’re resenting even having to be the one who puts it back together because likely you’ve been doing this your entire life.
You don’t have to be left with this huge pain in your heart, joining together with other women who are walking the path and being led by someone who has studied and worked with mothers and daughters for years is at your fingertips.
Between coaching, education, action steps and support of our amazing community of women - WE will get you there.

Here’s how we’re doing it…
Mothers and daughters are linking arms as women, learning that they have more in common with each other than not.
We’re building empathy, understanding and active acceptance for what has been easy for us to defend and difficult for us to believe.
We’re supporting each other wherever we are in our own individual journeys, no judgement or blame here.
Tools, resources and guidance specific to what has gotten in the way of your relationship is at your fingertips.
Before we understand the HOW we have to uncover the WHY. You will be coached from where you’re starting to where you want to go.
Along with a core focus on growing your relationship, we work together to lay the foundations necessary to understand what has happened to get you off course, how to bring you back to together and keep you there.
When you join today you’ll
instantly get access to all of this…
My private community where you can connect with me and other like minded mothers and daughters.
Value $497
This community is all about connection. In situations with relationship distance it is so important you stop feeling alone. Here you will not only gain insight from others on the same journey as you but also the perspective of both mothers and adult daughters. If you’re a mother desiring to heal the emotional distance with your daughter, you will gain an inside view into the mind of a daughter who has distanced herself. As a daughter you can gain answers to the question “why does my Mom do that?” and wisdom from women in your mother’s position. This will help you see even more clearly your breakdowns and how to heal your heart.
Live coaching calls with me where you can ask me ANY question you want.
Value $997
Four times a month my team and I will host live coaching calls where you can ask me anything you want, whether that’s to help you understand the dynamics in your relationship, improve your communication and connection or decrease the emotional distance. You can ask us absolutely ANYTHING and we’ll be ready to help you with guidance, resources and tools. These calls are live and also saved in our private library.
My private library of ever growing masterclasses
Value $647
At the beginning of each coaching we teach on an area of the relationship that fills in the gaps for you. On top of the content will be creating together, upon entering The Society you get immediate access to my most popular masterclasses and resources. This includes my Four Step Connection Method and Mother Blame Masterclass. Learn how to claim your needs in the relationship, why the eldest daughter feels the most pressure of all daughters, how to break the inheritance pattern and more.
Price per month value $497
Price right now only
$147 per month

First Week Wins!
"There is such support and commonality, I feel like I can relate to each of you already and we just met.”
“Thank you for the work you do in the world, I love this group already.”
"Already I have learned so much from you how I might be more mindful in integrating a positive moment in interactions. ❤️❤️
"I love how technology has allowed us to all connect and support each other from so many different parts of the world. 😊”
"One little nugget of goodness is that when I sent (my daughter) a text this week to let he know I am thinking about her, light news and always an ‘I love you’. She texted a reply and in that reply she thanked me for my message and ended it with an ‘I love you’.”
“I talked to my daughter for almost an hour this week, I held back some of my questions and I was able to not get defensive. She seemed really content with how it went.”

Fourth Week Wins!
“ I KNOW we can learn the skills to better use our authentic voice in a way that doesn’t hurt our daughters. We are in this class because we believe it’s never too late to learn and model this for these brilliant young women. They are still watching us!”
“Things have been going nicely with (my daughter) – this week she sent me a pic of the basketball game she went to, asked what to do about a rash on her hands, when I posted a pic of my sushi dinner on Valentine’s Day she replied that she had sushi too that night. So, all really good stuff.
“I sent an email to (my daughter) today using some of my new conversation starter knowledge. I used the starter about “I learned something new…” in the context of my mother-line map. It felt good to write the email—it’s finally getting easier.”
“I’m so thankful I made notes from all the group texts today and our session because it helped me handle it so much better and stay in the listening role with only a couple of questions. I feel hopeful again. Thank you for helping me reground myself.”

Sixth Week Wins!
“It blows my mind how enriching you are to my lives, you have given me so much. In the moments when it’s so natural to go back to our own habits, it’s been great to surround myself with your experiences so I can stay on the path I want to be on.”
“Being a part of this group is probably one of the best things I’ve done for myself. I get a lot out of this, it just takes me time to process everything.”
“This group has been incredible, I almost didn’t join but I’m so glad I did. I feel optimistic for me and for all of you too.”
“I was hesitant to join due to finances. For me learning how not to be violtale and walk away has been so important to me so I don’t break her boundaries. Hearing that I’m not alone and we all have our stuff has been beyond helpful.”
This is an easy decision…if you’re ready for more, we are waiting to bring you in and support you.
✓ Community
✓ Education
✓ Coaching
✓ Support
✓ Clarity
✓ Action Steps
✓ Your improved relationship