Love Stories

Hilary Truong is a leading expert on helping women create connection and understanding in their mother-daughter relationships.
She works with clients all around the world to help them grow into an unstoppable team and build their mother-daughter legacy while enjoying the relationship they deserve.
Here are their stories…
Laura shares about her experience being one of Hilary’s private clients with her 18 year old daughter.
“You see Hilary’s posts and you think ‘oh that would be nice with my daughter’ but it really is so much more. It has that ripple effect and improves so many things. I don’t think you can put a price tag on that. If you’re seeing it and feeling it, don’t wait, just do it. Because things will get better rather than not doing it and things get worse. It’s never too late. You won’t even know if you do this now all the things you probably won’t end up going through because it’s preventative measures. A good relationship with your child is for life.”

"Thank you so much Hilary. I grew so much in the past year and you helped me so so much in my relationship with my mom and so much in the relationship with myself. Thank you so much for everything."
- IO
“Up until these sessions my daughter refused to listen to me at all. She told her father she didn’t want to listen because she didn’t want to feel guilty. But I wasn’t trying to make her feel guilty, I wanted to get her to understand what was wrong. And she’s listening to me now... it's been fabulous."
- LR
“Thank you so much for everything. I appreciate you choosing this life's work. It's been just wonderful working together."
- NR
“I’ve been able to analyze a lot of her behaviors with your help. Connecting with her and responding rather than my old reacting has really, really helped. Thank you genuinely for all your support. It’s been an amazing help to us.”
Thank you again for the gorgeous basket- the level of thought you put into your programming is incredible and is so warm and welcoming. My sister in law is visiting and sees several therapists for her daughters and was like "what??? your therapist/coach came to your house and delivered this amazing gift?? Who does that???" and I said "Hilary does."
“I've learned that there has to be a level of self-preservation in this wifing and mothering thing. We give so much to everyone and if you don't establish boundaries it's going to go down a bad path."
"If only we had Hilary whispering in our ears during our interactions with our girls"
"I got this insight from you, Hilary Truong, thank you. I learned so much and it has even improved my relationship with my own mother."
“As always, thank you, Hilary. You’re the best help I’ve received and so wish I had found you earlier.”
"Hilary Truong is an expert in the field of mother and daughter relationships. Our mother and daughter philanthropy group was fortunate enough to connect with Hilary via Zoom. Hilary engages with her audience and went beyond our expectations with her calm demeanor, eloquent speaking and practical ready to use suggestions.
Her topic is so relevant and to quote the woman sitting next to me, “I could listen to her all day!”
"We had a little snafu on our drive to school less than an hour before I heard your presentation…She was telling me about her new coach and how she doesn’t like it when he teaches her a new style because it’s confusing. I commented how lucky she is to have two coaches - her mood sunk- she became grouchy and quiet for the last few minutes of our ride, which affected both of us and I didn’t even see it. We said goodbye and I felt horrible (and to be honest, angry). Then fast forward to your presentation and as soon as possible- I texted her “I’m sorry - when you shared with me about your coach, I should’ve just listened… I can see how that would be confusing.” She responded immediately ;) Then I explained- she can ultimately decide what’s right for her. Bingo. She responded happily- feeling heard and we connected for the rest of the day. I attribute her being so cuddly and happy to your sage advice given earlier that morning. So thank you. A huge, heartfelt thank you, Hilary."
“Hilary did an amazing job connecting to our audience of young women (6th – 12th grader) and their mothers. The topic of mother-daughter relationships is complicated not only because of the relationship between mother and daughter, but also the relationship between mothers and their mothers, many we are now taking care of. Hilary personalized her presentation by using a real-world examples that resonated with us all. It was surprising how impactful one moment of time is to many of us. I would highly recommend Hilary as a speaker to give guidance on how to open and strengthen mother-daughter bonds.”
Natalie shares the transformation she and her mother had after working together to learn how to truly listen to each other.
"After speaking to you once, I didn’t know that our relationship would turn out to be as great as it has. My mom and I were hesitant at first because 3 months feels like a short amount of time. But deciding to invest on our relationship was the best thing we have done. It wasn’t a now or never situation but with each passing day, I knew it would be in our best interest to figure out a solution sooner or later. I did not want to spend another day fighting/arguing with my mom. Honestly I can’t thank you enough. You’ve helped us overcame what felt like impossible for us."