Can you imagine if connecting with your daughter was easy?
I’m giving away my secrets to connecting with pre-teen/teen daughters:
The Four-Step Connection Formula
How the way you're cared for plays a HUGE part in your relationship.
My tried and true strategies for keeping your daughter close.
Grab instant access to my three part video training series 3 Steps to Connecting with Your Daughter for FREE and implement a more calm, confident and connected approach to protect your bond and get your daughter talking today!
Hey, I’m your mother-daughter relationship expert, Hilary! For a limited time I am sharing with you the techniques I’ve developed after 15 years as a therapist of teen girls and families.
Join me for 30 minutes of FREE lessons to learn all about how you should ACTUALLY be connecting with your daughter to grow your relationship & protect your bond... all while taking care of yourself!
Complete —> form for immediate access!
How to Listen
How to Connect
What to Say

I’m Hilary, a former therapist for teen girls, now I teach mothers my skills to keep their daughters close.
Let’s face it, the mother-daughter relationship is often misunderstood. I’ve heard it both described too many times as ‘special yet complicated’. After working as a therapist for teen girls for fifteen years, I saw girl after girl come into my office and feel alone in the world. Even with her well intentioned mother sitting right outside on the waiting room couch. This was the moment I knew we needed to stop accepting disconnection between mothers and daughters.
Now I transfer my skills to mothers so they are the ones protecting their girls. Everything I teach my clients can be found in this accessible course for you to listen to and come back to again and again. I want you to have the kind of relationship you’ve always desired, here you will learn how to connect and protect your relationship for life (not just the teen years).