Private Coaching Sneak Peek
Ever wonder what it’s like to work together? Listen in as I coach my client over Voxer, a messaging app that we use between sessions.
My client was about to spend a day with her daughter, including almost an hour in the car together and she was nervous. She wanted to use her time as an opportunity to connect with her daughter and build their relationship. She sent her questions to me via Voxer, a messaging app that I use with clients in between sessions, to keep the momentum going and get on the spot guidance.
The backstory: Her daughter is a young teen and circumstances over the past few years created some distance with her. A closed door in the evening, no longer saying goodnight, few word responses when attempting to connect with her about her life and general chip on her shoulder. This could feel like typical teen girl behavior but this mom had been following me and enrolled in my course where she learned that this wasn’t typical behavior. Her daughter pushing her away was in fact a red flag, her daughter really needed her but didn’t have the voice to say so.
These messages were exchanged after working together for 3 weeks. We were focused on inviting her daughter back into relationship with her, repair hurts from the past few years and build up this mom’s confidence and approach with her daughter.
The messages begin after my client had just shared with me that her daughter asked her if she is proud of her. These questions always warm my heart - they are initiators, her daughter is seeking love and reassurance from her mom. Often as parents we miss these initiators and focus on what’s going wrong instead.
Listen in to see what happens next!!
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